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The Old People
dream catcher

Our Beginnings ~ Kimmapii

In 1987, we were honoured to meet two incredibly wonderful people who would dramatically change the course of our lives.  These people were Dr. Joe Crowshoe and his wife Josephine.  We went to these two Elders of the Piikani nation to ask them to marry us in a traditional First Nations ceremony.  They agreed and as the saying goes, "the rest is history".

The impact that the Crowshoes had on our lives was profound in many ways.  They were role models in every sense of the word - but not just role models for us.  They were role models for all people without exception.

In addition to sharing their wisdom and teachings with us, they lived and practiced their instructions to us: "Bridge the gap between all people”.   A perfect directive for Shaman.

They spent a great deal of their time in other countries around the world as ambassadors, bridging the gap between people - all people.  To acknowledge their lifetime work achievements, they were both awarded the prestigious “Order Of Canada" by the Government of Canada,  and Joe was awarded an honorary Doctorate Degree.

These two people were more than inspirational, they were visionaries.

Joe & Josephine Crowshoe

Joe & Josephine Crowshoe
The Old People
Mission & Prophecy

According to an astounding number of separate, distinct cultures, from the North, South, East and West, comes the Prophecy…

eagle and condor flying together

“The day will come when the Condor and the Eagle will fly together in the same sky, wing to wing, and the world will come into balance.”

The Condor and the Eagle represent the feminine (Condor) and the masculine (Eagle).


Our mission is to honor the ancient shamanic teachings and present them in context with the world of today.  In this manner, we will assist the prophecy to bring balance and peace as the Condor and the Eagle fly wing to wing together.


In so doing we are “bridging the gap between all peoples” by creating overlapping circles of community around the world.


Marv Harwood “Piitaotakaan”

Eagle Head

Shanon (Sam) Harwood “Iniskimaaki”

Buffalo Rock Woman

Marv and Shanon Harwood

Marv has been a practicing Shaman, Teacher, and Healer for more than 40 years.  His training in the field started 60 years ago, when as a young man, he began learning natural medicine and healing from local Native Elders. Intrigued with this learning, Marv devoted much of his life to greatly expanding this knowledge of the shamanic arts.


Among his notable mentors over many years are Dr. Joe Crowshoe who gave him the name Eagle Head;  Dr. Alberto Villoldo, founder of the Four Winds Society; Dr. Carl Greer, Jungian Analyst, Psychologist;  Don Humberto Quispe, Paqo Elder of Q’ero Nation in Peru.


In addition to some 15 years of tutorship with Dr. Joe Crowshoe, Marv is also a certified graduate of the Four Winds Society:

      Advanced Divination Course

      Advanced Soul Retrieval

      Healing The Lightbody School

He has put these many years of training to good use as:

* Instructor and Director of Kimmapii School of     Shamanism

* Public speaker on the role of Shamanism in our lives

* Lead Shamanic ceremonialist

* Trainer of Shamanism in the business world

* Recognized Shamanic healer and life coach

* Sacred site guide and interpreter

* Developer of Shamanic training courses and curriculums

* One on One healing practitioner

* Developer and Director of federally licensed charity Kimmapii Kids


Throughout his life, Marv has had many careers; including pharmacist, police officer at the rank of inspector, human resource consultant and professional guide. 


He has however, devoted the last 30 years of his life to Shamanic learning, teaching and healing those in need.

Author:  It Depends on Who’s Looking (non-fiction)

Author:  Currency (an emerging reality novel)

Creator of:  The Archetype Project - An original online self help program for individuals.

Shaman: Tutored for more than 15 years and named Iniskimaaki by Native Spiritual Elder Josephine Crowshoe

Graduate of: Dr. Alberto Villoldo’s Four Winds Society:    

                Advanced Soul Retrieval

                 Healing The Lightbody School

                 Working With the Sacred

Trained with: Dr. Carl Greer, Psychologist, Jungian Analyst

Public Speaker/Lecturer: On subjects of tarot, astrology, the works of Edgar Cayce.

Shamanic Instructor/Director: Kimmapii School of Shamanism

Developer/Director: Kimmapii Kids Federally licensed charity 


Shanon entered the world of shamanism as a teenager intensely interested in tarot and astrology.  This interest deepened when as a young woman, she moved to Dubai UAE, one of the worlds greatest religious melting pots.  Here she was able to study numerous different religions and soon concluded that although terminology and ceremony may differ somewhat, each faith and esoteric modality was saying essentially the same thing. 


At university, Religious Studies drew yet another parallel - this time to the ancient gods and goddesses from around the world.  This, combined with her hands on experience with religions in Dubai and her now in-depth knowledge of tarot and astrology inspired her to devote eight years of her life to writing “It Depends on Who’s Looking - The Archetype Project”,  a study of the universality of the Archetypal Energies referred to in religion, folklore and mythology.


Shanon is a shamanic practitioner, instructor and healer who devoted the last 30 years of her life to shamanic writing, teaching and practice.

Graduates Share

“The day will come when the Condor and the Eagle will fly together in the same sky, wing to wing, and the world will come into balance.”




The effect that the portals have had in my personal life has been profound. There has been true healing for me that has resolved nearly 30 years of strong heavy emotions, and has also facilitated healing of old relationships for my parents and their oldest friends as well.  The guidance for this healing was provided directly by the energy of the animal we worked with on that weekend and could never have been predicted.

Graduate - Dan Lalonde, Calgary, AB.


The Shaman’s Altar

It only takes a moment to change your life.  The Shaman’s Altar is a series of unforgettable moments that will pull you out of the depths of despair and create with you a sense of timelessness; a total transformation of consciousness.

Graduate - Brycie Klassen, Edmonton, AB.


Spirit Speaks: A Study in Divination

Spirit Speaks was a powerfully transformative course for my personal healing and energy work.  Through learning the different tools and practices to engage with spirit- drawing from the knowledge from outside of ordinary-reality has never been so easily accessible.  This awareness has enabled myself, and my clients, more conscious choice and power when wanting to engage and make changes in our lives. 

Graduate - Tami Nickerson, Fort Macleod, AB

The Spirit Drum

From the first session when the rawhide for drum was chosen, soaked and laced over the maple frame my drum whispered and my heart answered that we were to meet soon.  Late that night as the drum began to dry, it thrummed and popped and seemed to be answering the coyotes that were singing outside my window.  Many stories were to be told and recorded during the meditative journeys and a spirit quest was to be completed before we were to play together.  Then in sacred space, the heartbeat of elk was the first sound that we made together.  Since that time, we have drummed in ancient forests, on the prairie grasslands and have been honoured to play at sacred ceremonies.  I feel joyful and grateful that drum and I get to play and sing together.

Graduate - Trish Crumpton, Nanaimo, BC


Redeeming the Fragmented Soul

As I have found in every course with Marv and Shanon, Redeeming the Fragmented Soul offered me not only a weekend of personal growth but the tools needed to help people make meaningful change in their lives.  Those who I have helped using the techniques I learned in this course have called the work some of the most profound experiences of their lives.  I am grateful for the lessons learned and I feel blessed to be guided on this path by Marv and Shanon.

Graduate - Michael Hrytsak, Calgary, AB


The Archetype Project Workshop

I enrolled in this workshop to gain insight and knowledge on how to personally empower myself going forward in life and the workshop did not disappoint.  I learned about the Archetypical energies influencing my life and how their particular placements were affecting the life I was creating and living.  In the workshop, I discovered how I could renegotiate my relationship with some or all of these Archetypical energies to make it possible for me to change many of the repeating patterns and triggers that were not serving me so well in life.  I went through some amazing personal transformation and growth.  I continue to engage the Archetypical energies daily which allows me to navigate from a place of personal awareness and choice.  I am truly grateful for going on this journey and I absolutely recommend the “It Depends on Who’s Looking - The Archetype Project” workshop to anyone seeking empowering and life changing wisdom for themselves.

Graduate - Marie Cosens, Baynes Lake, BC


Death Rites

This three day class covered a wide territory of Shamanic practices geared to those who aspire to work in service of others.  The Death Rites is one of the greatest services a Shaman can provide to help the dying achieve a free and thorough passing.  Marv and Shanon covered other approaches to assist others with unresolved issues or concerns including the Rite of Passage and Surrogate Death Rites.  This course provided yet another invaluable array of tools for healing within the Shamanic tradition. 

Graduate - Heather Leslie, Ferintosh, AB


The Medicine Bundle

Marv and Sam walked us through the process of creating the bundle and its entities. The course is about knowing the entities, the potential they hold for healing in our lives and how the bundle works in conjunction with those entities, Spirit and us to create healing in the community. As a result of guidance and support of Marv and Sam and the intervention of Spirit, we and MoonStar have made a lifelong commitment to helping others understand what is possible when you allow Spirit to walk at your side.

Mary, Shalaya and MoonStar (our bundle)

Graduates - Mary Donnachie & Shalaya Cole, Calgary, AB


Shamanic Tarot and Astrology

Tarot and Astrology,  I have been a believer of both for many years.  I have tried to study astrology but could not get past the terms and math.  One other workshop refused my admission as I had not studied for over a year on my own.  This workshop put the two together with easy simple terms that I could grasp in one afternoon.   I loved the interplay with other workshop members, that really cemented the concepts put forward.  I would highly recommend this workshop and would take it again myself!

Graduate - Katie Hammer, Creston, BC


The Shaman’s Altar

Marv and Sam are masterful teachers of ancient practices making them highly relevant and useful for our modern times.  Travelling around the medicine wheel in The Shaman’s Altar program was both profound and life altering.  I am incredibly grateful as they supported me through some challenging times and I am ver excited to now have skills, tools and practices that I can use to navigate life’s ups and downs.  Wonderful teachers and powerful learning.

Graduate - Mona Campbell, Calgary, AB



Protections is a must have course for any graduate of the Shaman’s Altar. Especially for anyone who wants to work with clients or is just thinking about it.  The protections course will give you invaluable information and training with tracking and recognizing sorcery within yourself and others. 

Graduates - Scott & Crystal Tooker, Bowden, AB

Ancient Site Tours



What an adventure! I’ve taken many classes with Kimmapii since 2010 and already knew the caliber, training, support, and teachings they provide and going to Peru brought this to another level.  I am truly honoured to have experienced this journey in 2012!  From the day I choose to say yes, to the itinerary arriving in my email, to the 12 day adventure - my soul felt nourished, alive, and soaked in the ceremonies with the Q’ero as they too travelled with us sharing their teachings at several sacred sites, while we also played tourist.  Most importantly, the children!  What an honour to be part of a community that supports the development and education of our most needed generation to flourish.  I believe we had over 1500 satchels to deliver to 5 communities and most of the stops across the land were seamless.  The children lined up for their satchels and in true Ayni, performed for us through song and dance or made food and tokens of appreciation.  I am truly honoured to be part of the Kimmapii community and also making my experience to Peru a lifetime memory to be cherished.  Thank you from the depths of my soul!

Graduate - Trina Rowsell, Victoria, BC


Medicine Wheel

Marv and Shannon led us to the Medicine Wheel.  At first sight it is seemed a non-assuming place - just a knoll in a farmer’s field.  You would never know it was there using only your five senses, unless someone pointed out the geometrically placed rocks around the circle.  Certainly it does not stand out as Las Vegas would with all of its glitter.  I remember walking up the hill in silence.  Slightly out of breath when we crested the ridge, I felt a lightness of spirit.  It was akin to entering another world, where communicating with the elements of nature was my natural state.  I felt elated and more present with my spirit nature.  There was a sense of peace, and that I was so much larger than my body.  It also seemed like time stood still while we were up there. There was a strong sense of timelessness, as if we had been transported back some thousand years or more, and yet, it was all in the present.  I could feel the presence of the ancients and the power of all the ceremonies which had taken place over the years.  Then it was time to go back down. I did so reluctantly, but also filled with gratitude that Marv and Shanon had shared this magical place with us.

Graduate - Michel d’Estimauville, Okanagan Falls, BC



The Archetype Project  (On-Line Multimedia Book)

Indeed The Archetype Project is one of the most interesting lens to view reality through and what's more important is that you have designed a practical way for people to help themselves and do REAL personal work.  For me, the Archetype ‘Magic’ is literally showing me the way to healing with my dad.  If I can come to a place of peace and harmony with him, then anyone can heal their relationships!  It's one thing to be mentally stimulated and fascinated by reading about mythology and esoteric knowledge; it's quite another to go into your own family lineage, with all the mental illness, pain and wounds and find a way to communicate with munay.  But there absolutely is a way and that's what Magic is all about- what a powerful little conduit he is.  I underestimated him.  When I am tuned in to him I am not weighed down by baggage and ego and therefore, available for my destiny, which is love. 

Graduate - Eugena Rempel-Witten, Edmonton, AB


One on One Client Training

It is true that when the student is ready the teacher will appear.  I had just concluded my Reiki Master Training and I was looking to go a little deeper with clients.  I was having good success with Reiki but in a few cases the illness would return; sometimes within a week and sometimes as much as six months later.  Possibly there was more that I could do!  Marv and Shanon Harwood appeared and provided me with countless tools that I now use.  They showed me how to find the root of the problem that had created the dis-ease to begin with.  Once properly dealt with, the body could heal.  Since training with Kimmapii, I have a whole bucket full of tools.

Graduate - Ron Mensaghi, Pincher Creek, AB


Kimmapii School of Shamanism

When I found The Kimmapii School of Shamanism I was in a dark place as a result of a tumultuous childhood.  I was filled with self-doubt and destructive patterns and habits that were ruling my life.  I had no control over the events happening in my life.  I was haunted by nightmares and riddled with crippling anxiety and manic depression.  I had a history of drug abuse that was my only coping mechanism.  Once I started classes with Kimmapii, I began to learn new methods and techniques of healing and insights into my problems.  They gave me the tools to work with the imprints my traumas had left me with.  I have now been studying with Kimmapii for 6 years and have turned my past into a source of strength and power.  I am now available to use my tools to help others find new ways of dealing with their trauma.  I am forever grateful for the opportunity they have given me to have a new life of love, meaning and fulfillment.

Graduate - Andrea Johnson, Edmonton, AB



It’s often said that the Shaman’s path is the way of the wounded healer.  Life is sure to bring it’s challenges and at times will bring even the strongest  among us to their knees.  When we find ourselves in desperate times, broken and suffering, there are a few general choices that present.  Of these choices, Shamanism encourages us to heal our wounds, be of service and fulfill our dreams.  Shamanism provides the tools needed to attain self-healing, hope and enlightenment for ourselves as well as others.  I have been blessed to find Marv and Shanon Harwood of the Kimmapii School of Shamanism.  I believe that I was guided to seek them out at a time in my life when I was experiencing extreme sorrow and despair.  Kimmapii is so much more than just a school of Shamanism.  It’s a healing community of like minded individuals who offer you friendship, unconditional love and support.  When you embark on a journey with Kimmapii as your guide, know that you have found your tribe.

Graduate - Les Hart, Coventry, Rhode Island

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