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Energetic Shamanism

Fire tradition from the Q’ero Inka Lineage of the South; helping people to remember and work with their own sacred path.   In Energetic Shamanism, the student will learn about the luminous energy field, that envelope of pure light energy that surrounds our bodies and contains the information of our woundings. The shaman understands that much of our healing is achieved through working successfully with this luminous energy field.

Kimmapii offers the following workshops in the Energetic Stream

(Scroll down with arrows)

Energetic Shamanism
The Shaman's Altar

The Shaman’s Altar is a series of four weekend classes spread out over a number of months.  In this class, the student will learn to heal various aspects of their lives during which time they will create their own personal “Mesa”, a key shamanic healing tool.  Upon completion of all 4 classes, participants graduate as full Mesa carriers. 

Altar Workshops:
(click direction for details)
Shaman's Altar
The South
The South

Your journey begins with the work of The South where you will meet Serpent,

the Archetype who will teach you to shed what no longer serves you.

Here you will take an in-depth look at those wounds and limiting beliefs

that keep you from the life you desire.

Altar Workshops:
(click direction for details)
The West
The West
Image by Mike van den Bos

In your next workshop, you will encounter the Archetype of the West - Jaguar.

Jaguar will help you break free of both your genetic and karmic lineages.  

You will learn to face your fears; including the greatest fear of all - the fear of death.

Altar Workshops:
(click direction for details)
The North

Your third workshop will take you to The North.

Where you will meet Hummingbird and join the ancient Shamanic Lineage.

This is the direction of the Sage.

A sweet, loving, exasperating direction known as The Impossible Journey.

In the North you will step out of time and to learn the secret

- the one that can be known but not told.

Altar Workshops:
(click direction for details)
The North
The East
The East

The East is about stepping into your becoming - your destiny -  an experience like no other.

In this final direction, you will meet Eagle-Condor, the Archetype of The East.

These are the lessons of the Visionary.

The East - the place of the rising sun - the place of the Hanaq Pacha;

the place of self-discovery.

Altar Workshops:
(click direction for details)
Grad Workshops
Graduate Level Workshops
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Entity Extraction

Redeeming the Fragmented Soul

Death Rites

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